Tuesday, March 13, 2012

30 Characteristics of the Church Found in Acts ©2012 by Alan Garrett

The Church in Acts Was…

1. A church with a mission, Acts 1:8 (cf. Mt.28). making disciples, neighborhoods to nations, teaching/doing all, planting apostolic/prophetic churches.
George Whitefield said of John Wesley, “My brother Wesley acted wisely, the souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in societies, and thus preserved the fruit of his labor. This I neglected, and my people are a rope of sand.”

2. Full of the Holy Spirit (on-going and multiple fillings), John 20:22; Acts 2:4; Acts 4:31(cf. Eph 5:18-This is written to the Ephesian church). filled gk-pleroo; means to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim.

3. Extremely bold, Acts 4:23-31; 14:3.

4. Generous in giving, Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-37.

5. In awe of God and feared Him, Acts 2:43; 5:11.

6. Regularly performing signs & wonders, Acts 5:12-13; 6:8.

7. A church that practiced deliverance, Acts 5:16; 8:7; 16:16-18; 19:12. 

8. Exploding with growth/effective, Acts 2:41; 6:7; 5-12-13.

9. A proclaiming people (a culture of preaching), Acts 5:42; 8:4.

10. A church whose leaders were devoted to prayer and the word, Acts 6:4.

11. Prophetic, Acts 11:22: Acts 13:1.

12. Apostolic-sending/planting-Jerusalem to Samaria, to Antioch, and out. Acts 13:3 (throughout Acts).

13. Evangelistic, Acts 5:12-13; 6:7; 11:19-22.

14. Lead by the Holy Spirit, Acts 13:4; Acts 11:12.

15. Repentant/holy, Acts 2:38-47; 3:19.

16. Devoted to prayer, Acts 2:42; 4:31: 12:5.

17. A fasting church, Acts 10:30; 13:2; 14:23.

18. Devoted to the word & application of teaching, Acts 2:42; 5:42.

19. Unified and had oneness of purpose, Act 2:46 (one accord), Acts 4:32 (of one heart and one soul).

20. Devoted to fellowship (relationship) and breaking of bread, Acts 2:42, 46.

21. Apostle/Elder lead Acts 14:23; 15:2; 16:4.

22. Meeting regularly from house to house as well as in the Temple, Acts 2:46; 3:1; 20:20.

23. A people who served with gladness and simplicity of heart, Acts 2:46.

24. Witnessing (preaching) with power, Acts 4:33; 8:4-17.

25. Functioning in TEAM Acts 5-Philip, Peter and John. Acts 18-Paul and Silas/Barnabas (throughout Acts).

26. A worshiping/praising church, Acts 13:2; 16:25; 2:47.

27. Willing to suffer persecution and martyrdom, Stephen-Acts 6; The church-Acts 8; 12:1, Paul-throughout Acts.

28. Exercising spiritual gifts, Acts 2:4; 4:10; 5:9; 6:10; 8:6-7; 9:40.

29. Humble/not willing to take credit for what God did, Acts 3:12; 20:18-19.

30. Forgiving, Acts 7:60 (Steven). 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome....I can actually develop sermons from each of the 30 topics...keep em coming...I love it!!!!
